Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day 22

Writing Challenge Day #22: Something You Haven't Done That Most People Have
          We're almost there! Only eight more days of this challenge. It almost seems a bit bittersweet, doesn't it? At the very least, I think it does. And now it is time to actually do the challenge. I suppose there should be quite a number of things that I haven't done that most people have. I'm just having trouble thinking of them at the moment. So let's start with things I have never done and I'll let you decide if most people have done it or not. So...shall we begin? (Just in case you're not as big of a nerd as I am, that was me, quoted Star Trek: Into Darkness. More specifically, I was quoting Khan as he taunted Captain Kirk from his holding cell. If you haven't seen this movie, watch it. If you have seen it, watch it again. Which is what I plan on doing, possibly tomorrow if I have time. Anyway, the list...)

Things I Haven't Done That Most People May or May Not Have Done:

  1. Gotten a pedicure or a manicure
  2. Seen Anastasia
  3. Traveled farther west than Indiana
  4. Traveled farther east than Tennessee
  5. Gone to a theatre to see a rated R movie
  6. Lived in a city
  7. Been in a relationship
  8. Met an author (I want to. Some day, hopefully)
  9. Had a secret crush on Channing Tatum (Sorry...I just don't find him to be all that attractive. He seems like a nice guy though)
  10. Gone hunting
  11. Had a smart phone
  12. Listened to NSYNC
  13. I'm kind of sick of this list.
  14. So I think I'll stop putting things on it.
  15. Fifteen is a good number to stop at.

"Dreams are like that: they go in and out of memories and scenes, but they're never real. They're never real, and I hate them because they aren't." -Across the Universe by Beth Revis

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