Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Day Twenty Nine

Writing Challenge Day 29: Five Weird Things That You Like

  1. Crunchy PB&J. I’m not sure exactly when I starting doing this. If I were to guess, it’d be somewhere in my early high school years. I had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day for lunch. Literally every day. As you can imagine, PB&J got a bit old. But we didn’t really have much else to pack for lunches, so I started sticking whatever chips or crackers I had in my lunch in my sandwiches. Sometimes it was delicious (Barbeque Chips and Wheat Thins were pretty darn good...not together, of course), and sometimes it was very bland and not much of an improvement (as was the case with Triscuit and oyster crackers). Oh! Cheez its were also a favorite as an added bonus in my sandwich.

  1. Re-reading Books. Okay, rereading books isn't that weird. But I reread them to the point of destruction. It’s okay to read them about four to five times. I, however, have read each of the Harry Potter books over ten times, easily. My hardcover copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is falling apart I’ve read it so many times. Two chunks of the pages are falling out (a small one right in the beginning and a large chunk in the beginning/middle) and my front cover is dangerously close to not being attached to the book anymore. It was with great pain that I had to shelf the book, no longer to be used for risk of destroying it completely. Lucky for me, I also have a paperback copy that I will read instead. My copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is also on the precarious path that the first book followed. If I’m not careful, this one will also soon be on the shelf. But what do you like about this, as many of you are probably asking. I love to reread books to the point where I can easily quote them in your everyday conversation.
*Note: This also happens with movies

  1. Eat the Fries First. Whenever I go to a fast food restaurant, I eat the fries first, no matter what. I don’t know why, but before I can take a bite out of my burger, my fries have to be gone. I don’t even really have an explanation for this one. Yes, it’s kind of weird, but I’m sure I’m not the only one that does it (right?).

  1. Crappy Disney Movies. (From Disney Channel, not our beloved Disney movies) I watch them with my sister all the time and we make fun of them and laugh at how stupid they are. But...but I secretly kind of love them. Yes, they are stupid and really bad. But I can’t get enough of the innocent love stories. There is no sexual pressure, just the awkwardness and adorableness of discovering you like someone and the amazement of discovering that they like you back. Sure, it might be a little immature, but I don’t care. You know, once this writing challenge is over (we only have one more day!) I may have to make a list of my favorite crappy Disney movies.

  1. Smiley Faces with Noses. Like so…  :o)   Isn’t it cute? They just look weird to me without noses. Also, without a nose, they become the smiley face version of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (a.k.a. Voldemort). We do not need tiny versions of You-Know-Who running rampant in the virtual world of texting. Pretty soon, all of our cell phones will have horcrux apps and we won’t be able to take him down, even if we had Harry’s unfailing bravery (and, let’s be honest, luck), Hermione’s brains, and Ron’s...well, Ron. Now, before you all go questioning my sanity, I promise I am not this obsessed (maybe just a little). This is not the thought process behind my nosed smiley faces. I just like them better with noses.

“Of course it’s happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it’s not real?” -Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

Monday, October 20, 2014

Writing Challenge Day 28

          So I was at work today and I started writing this really awesome, thought provoking blog post in my head. Of course, I'm sitting there thinking, 'Man, this is really deep. This could actually be pretty good. I don't need to write anything, I'll remember it.' And you know what I did? I went and forgot every single detail of whatever it was I was writing in my head. I don't even vaguely remember what it was about. I'm actually pretty disappointed. You should be too...this was going to be a pretty awesome post. And now it's just me rambling. Don't worry, I won't ramble the whole time. In fact, I'll move on with the writing challenge now. (Can you believe it's almost over?!)

Writing Challenge Day #28: Something You Always Think 'What if...' About
          Three things pop into my head instantly when I think of 'What if...' situations. One of them occurred at the end of Eighth grade. That year I had mostly abandoned my usual group of friends in favor of hanging out with the popular girls. It was very exhilarating, being part of the 'cool kids' niche. Although, underneath it all, I was still me. I was still a quirky band kid that loved to read. That was me. So at the end of the year, I was invited by one of the popular girls to an 'end of the year' party. This party was to be a boys and girls party (which I had never done. Still haven't, actually.) None of the girls in my previous group of friends had been invited. To me, this was the moment when I decided whether or not I would be popular or not. I chose not to go and I was never invited to another party again. My friends took me back (thank God!) and I have never regretted my decision. But I have always wondered what would have happened if I had gone to that stupid party. Would I have ended up being popular in high school? Probably not, but it's an interesting concept to think different I could have turned out if I had said yes.
          'What if...' scenario number two...remember that guy? Yeah, that one. The one that made me cry and laugh and do both at the same time. I loved him in only the way a young teenage girl can...slightly obsessive, completely irrational, but still genuine. I always wonder what would have happened if I would have told him how I felt. I still wonder what would happen if I told him now. I don't love him, not in the same way. I still think about him all the time and I wonder if telling him might bring me closure. But I don't want to tell him. Because it's just awkward, you know? We're not even really friends anymore. He didn't even wish me a happy birthday (which was Friday), and it kind of sucked because I know he doesn't think about me nearly half as much as I think about him. So this 'What if' is kind of a past and present 'What if'. Maybe, if I told him, I could completely get over him, once and for all and be done with this whole mess.
          My last 'What if...' scenario hasn't really happened yet. It has to do with the Ireland trip. If I get accepted to go, and decide not to, I will probably regret it and be wondering about all the 'What if's' for the rest of my life. I almost don't want to be accepted because than I don't have to make the choice. Don't get me wrong, I would love to go to Ireland. But doing this, on my own, completely terrifies me. I guess we'll know more about that after Thanksgiving. I'll try to find other things to write about once the Writing Challenge is over. We only have two days left...I feel like I just started it a week ago. Funny how slow time seems to go, but how quickly it passes.

"I must stop wishing for things to happen. Because something will happen eventually, and when it does , I'll be bound to wish it hadn't." -Fire by Kristin Cashore

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Day 27

         Hey guys, sorry it's been awhile. In my defense, I was gone all weekend on a retreat. And it was very good. For me, it was like a deep, calming breath. That last retreat I want on was a very intense, in your face kind of retreat. Not in a bad way, of course. That one was very fun. It's just that this one was relaxing and reassuring and exactly what I needed. Anyway, onto the challenge!

Writing Challenge Day #27: Your Favorite Place to Eat

         Oh boy. There are several places that I love to eat at. I really enjoy eating at the Mongolian Grill. I mean, I am a huge fan of stir fry and that is the place to go if you want a stir fry. Yumm...But. It's not my favorite. I also really enjoy getting frozen yogurt from Sugar Berry. Oh my gosh, I love Sugar Berry and I love frozen yogurt and I love their method of pricing (leave me alone, I like it, okay?) However, that is also not my favorite place to eat. Unfortunately for me, my favorite place to eat is no longer in business. The Oakwood Lounge, the only place to eat in my tiny town (technically a village), felt like home to me. For a while last year, I went there on a weekly basis. I became a regular at my favorite restaurant (which was pretty cool). I always got water and deep fried pickles. I haven't had a deep fried pickle since it closed at the beginning of May. It was only five months ago, but it feels like it's been ages. I really do miss it. I made some great memories in that restaurant, both with the people who want there with me and those who worked there. Every Thursday night, I would go to the Oakwood with my brother and we would each go to our teams for DJ Trivia (a trivia game). It was free to participate in and usually lasted about an hour and a half. Ugh. You just don't know how much I miss it. I don't think any other restaurant will ever measure up to my beloved Oakwood and I don't think I will ever stop missing it.

‘Fear not!’ said a strange voice behind him. Frodo turned and saw Strider, and yet not Strider; for the weatherworn Ranger was no longer there. In the stern sat Aragorn son of Arathorn, proud and erect, guiding the boat with skillful strokes; his hood was cast back, and his dark hair was blowing in the wind, a light was in his eyes: a king returning from exile to his own land.” -The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkein

Monday, October 6, 2014

Day of 26

Writing Challenge Day #26: Think Back to How You Were 5 Years Ago. Have You Changed?
          Well of course I have changed. It'd be hard not to in 5 years. I feel like I've actually gone through multiple changes. Five years ago, I was very confident in myself. I would have even considered myself to be a leader. Now, not a good leader, but I had the extroversion to be one. I was arrogant and loud and naive. I used to wish I could be like I was five years ago. However, now I know that I would rather not be that person. Sure, she was confident in herself and her abilities, but she was volatile, emotionally unstable, and far too susceptible to jealousy. I don't want to be her.
          Four years ago I began my rather sudden transition from over confident pain in the butt to the insecure introvert. High school will do that to a person. The first few years of high school were void of any self confidence and spent in countless hours of self loathing. I'm not going to lie, it was pretty bad. I was always sad. I hated looking in the mirror. I didn't want to be me. My last year of high school was better. I still didn't really like myself, but I least I confided in people, something that I apparently have a problem doing. I gained a small bit of independence, not much, but a little. My high school years were all a gradual, slight upward change.
         I went through another rather sudden change this year, which coincided pretty much with me starting college. The whole people anxiety thing is not nearly as overwhelming is it used to be. Sure, I get a little nervous around people I don't know, but it's a natural nervousness. It's no where near the gut wrenching, near panic I used to feel around people that I didn't know. Yes, I would still consider myself to be an introvert. I am not a bubbly, loud person that will just approach people. But I'm not the scared introvert anymore. Now I'm just an introvert. I am also much more independent when than I used to be. And oh my goodness, you would not believe how much I've called people I don't know without giving it a second thought. I used to have to give myself I pep talk for up to fifteen minutes before I could muster up the courage to even dial the number. I'm not saying that I suddenly have astounding self confidence, because I don't, or that now I can be leader, because I'm not. I just know that, compared to the me I was five years ago, and even two months ago, I haven't been more happy with who I am than I am now.

(Quick note about today's quote. I haven't actually read The Book Thief, but it's on my list of 'Must Reads' and I want to read it as soon as possible. However, I did just see the movie, and it made me cry...very good movie. I don't know how it compares with the book, but, since I haven't read it yet, I have no qualms recommending the movie.)

"The consequence of this is that I'm always finding humans at their best and worst. I see their ugly and their beauty, and I wonder how the same thing can be both." -The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Sunday, October 5, 2014

I Have Other Things to Write About Today

          So I found this list of '100 Things to do Before You Die' on Pinterest, and I was curious to see how much I have done. I shall copy down the list here, with comments next to the ones I have done or the ones I want to do. I don't know, I will mix in some of my words among the list.

  1. Set foot on all continents (I actually don't have much ambition to do this...)
  2. Live in 2 different countries with completely different cultures
  3. Solve a Rubik's cube (These frustrate the crap out of me. Solving one would be a miracle.)
  4. Learn at least one foreign language (I'm taking Spanish classes right I have to be fluent?)
  5. Swim with whale sharks
  6. Get drunk at least once in your life (nope. I do not want to do this. I find the whole thing rather stupid)
  7. Bungee jump (NO.)
  8. Do the Mongol Rally (not really sure what this is...)
  9. Swim with dolphins
  10. Go on a Safari
  11. Learn how to surf (Who's the one teaching me? ;o)
  12. Scuba dive (maybe. I might be able to do this)
  13. Fly on an airplane (I've done this! So that's one out of one hundred.)
  14. Give a public speech.
  15. Get your body in the ultimate shape at least once in your life (I'm working on it...ran 2.1 miles today!)
  16. Run a marathon (...but it's so long! How about a 5k? I can do that.)
  17. Run a triathlon (That could be cool.)
  18. Hot air ballooning
  19. Ride a motorcycle (I've done this too! My dad used to have one.)
  20. Sing to an audience (I have also done this, mostly at church. I sang the National Anthem at a little league championship game once.
  21. Volunteer 6 months abroad
  22. Have your own business
  23. Fish and eat your catch (I don't like fish...)
  24. Own a pet (Do I personally have to own it? My family has a dog and a cat.)
  25. Renew your vows (Haven't made any yet, so...)
  26. Watch the top 10 movies of all time (Is there a list out there somewhere? What are the top ten movie of all time?)
  27. Go white water rafting
  28. Try rock climbing
  29. Dive into the water from a cliff (I would not do this solely because I would feel like Bella Swan.)
  30. Learn how to make Sushi (I don't have to eat it, right?)
  31. Go to Disney World (I have done this!)
  32. Learn how to sail (Yes! Yes! YES!)
  33. Paint and frame your painting (How about a sketch?)
  34. Help a stranger in distress
  35. Ride a roller coaster (unfortunately, I have done this. Not a fan.)
  36. Drive the Autobahn (What?)
  37. Spend Christmas on the beach (No...that would feel wrong. Christmas should have pine trees and snow.)
  38. Get your B.A. (Yep, eventually.)
  39. Find a job you love or create the job you love (That would be really nice.) 
  40. Read the top 5 novels of all time (Again, is there a list? Because I definitely would do this.)
  41. Sleep under the stars
  42. Made a fool of yourself (Done.)
  43. Drive across an entire country (A small country, hopefully)
  44. See a Solar Eclipse
  45. Spend the night in a haunted place (I would actually be okay with that)
  46. Learn how to play a musical instrument. (Piano, flute, piccolo, and now working on cello...check!)
  47. Drink a beer at the Oktoberfest (You know...I might do that. Just one.)
  48. Sleep in an igloo (With a space heater I hope)
  49. Brew your own beer (Nah.)
  50. Go to the Superbowl (Nope. Just nope.)
  51. Go to the Olympics, summer or winter (ok, maybe)
  52. Write a book (You all know how much I would love to do that! I should actually get to working on that now.)
  53. Plant a tree
  54. Learn how to dance (I can line dance.)
  55. Ride a camel in the desert (Why am I in a desert!?)
  56. Ride an elephant (I actually did this once, when I was very young, at a circus)
  57. Grow a beard at least once in your life (I'm a girl, so...I made a beard out of my hair once, does that count?)
  58. Shave your hair off (No.)
  59. Go skinny dipping (No way, Jose)
  60. Go to your favorite band's concert 
  61. Climb a mountain
  62. Learn how to swim (I have done this.)
  63. Party until sunrise (you mean...with people? All night? And no sleeping? Ugh.)
  64. Go wild at La Tomatina (Don't know what that is...but I don't 'go wild'. I just don't.)
  65. Go to the Opera
  66. Cross a country using public transportation
  67. Get to know your neighbors (Definitely done. Maybe a little too much.)
  68. Travel around the world
  69. Backpack through another country
  70. Go camping 
  71. Feed a homeless person
  72. Take a class you've always wanted (Creative writing!!)
  73. Own a sports car (just a car would be nice)
  74. Go skiing (I love skiing!!! So much fun)
  75. Shoot a gun (I don't mean to brag, but I killed a chipmunk with a pellet gun once)
  76. Trek to Machu Pichu (Trek cannot mean anything other than Star Trek. It just can't. Are we beaming ourselves to Machu Pichu?)
  77. Visit Angkor Wat (...huh?)
  78. See the Iguazu Falls (I feel super ignorant. I don't know any of these places.)
  79. Go Kayaking (I have also done this)
  80. Dance at the Carnival in Rio (I guess if I was there, maybe.)
  81. See a glacier
  82. Take a bath in a hot spring
  83. Try to beat a world record (Meh. I'm just no that competitive.)
  84. Go to a drive-in movie theatre. (I would love to do this, I really would)
  85. Ride a gondola in Venice (YES!)
  86. See the Eiffel Tower (Alright, I know this one. And I wouldn't mind seeing it.
  87. Fly a kite (Done.)
  88. Solve a jigsaw puzzle (Also done.)
  89. Be an extra in a movie (My brother was almost an extra in the Batman vs. Superman movie...or is it Superman vs. Batman?)
  90. Dance the Macarena (Yep. High school dances covered that one)
  91. Eat fried oreos/twinkies/cheesecake (How about pickles? I've had those.)
  92. Float in the Dead Sea (For some reason, that does not sound pleasant.)
  93. Travel at least once by train (And then I can be like all of my favorite fictional characters)
  94. Go on a cruise (it's not going to sink, is it?)
  95. See the Northern Lights
  96. Travel by yourself (...Ireland?? Hopefully.)
  97. Ride a horse (I took horse riding lessons once.)
  98. Fall in love. (Fine.)
  99. Learn how to juggle (I can juggle two things...but I'm not sure that counts)
  100. Feel like the happiest person on Earth (I cannot wait for that day)
Well, if you stuck with it through all 100 items, good for you! I probably wouldn't have. I ran 2.1 miles today. It kind of sucked, considering I haven't run in a month now. But I didn't stop during the whole run and that was my goal. Run and don't stop. I've signed up to do another 5K with one of my friends. This one will be on Thanksgiving, so I'll get a long sleeved t-shirt and I'll be able to stuff my face later. Oh, the joys of life. I shall continue with the writing challenge tomorrow!

"The monsters of the mind are far worse than those that actually exist." Brisingr by Christopher Paolini

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Day 25

Writing Challenge Day #25: What Made Your Day Special?
          Currently, it's only 8:20 in the morning, so not much has really happened yet. I suppose this is a post that I should write in the evening. But I am in the mood to write now! So I'll start with what has made my day special so far, and maybe I'll add on to it later. Well, today was my last day riding in to school with my carpool, so it was bittersweet. I'm going to miss seeing them. But I am thankful for my job, even if it means I can't ride with them anymore. It was also nice to drive to the carpool this morning. I feel like I never actually drive anymore. I miss my truck. And so far, I think that's it. I suppose I'll have to wait until later in the day to post this, when I have more to write about.
          Well, now it's 12:50, and there hasn't been that much to make today special. Same stats class, same lunch, same building...This Thursday is no more special than the last how many Thursdays. I still have quite a bit of day left, so hopefully something will happen, but who knows. Maybe I'll just go home and go to bed (that would definitely make today special. I am so tired.) I'll come back around three-ish probably, let you know if anything special happens.
          Okay. 3:19. I got to come home, put my pajamas on, and watch Red Band Society (my newest show, still decided how much I like. Or not.) Which I guess, in a way, is pretty special. Sure my day was kind of boring. But I'm sure there were other people who had days way worse than mine, which makes mine pretty special. On that note, I'll end this with a quote. More tomorrow!

“There is no such thing as a moral or immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.” -The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It's October!

          Happy October everyone! (This is one of my favorite months, and not just because of my birthday. I just love fall!! Hooray sweatshirt weather!) Anyway, I apologize for not being very diligent in my blog writing lately. Things have slightly hectic. Which is why, instead of doing the writing challenge today, I've decided I'd give you an update on my life.
          I finally got new strings for my cello, but one of them is too short and I have to go back and have someone fix it, because I don't know how. The good new is that I can play Hot Cross Buns, Mary Had a Little Lamb, and part of Amazing Grace. I know, not very impressive...but I'll get better! I mean, it took me twelve years to be as good as I am at piano.
          Remember that job interview I had awhile back? I got the job! I'm training this week and then I get to start on Monday. I get my own set of keys and a fancy name tag, which is exciting. But I think the part I'm most excited for is being able to work with other people. I'll finally have a job that isn't lonely! The few times I've been there, everyone has been so nice and I really am excited to start working (and learn everyone's names...)
          I have officially decided to apply for the Ireland trip. I am both nervous and excited, for the same reason. What if I'm accepted? Of course that will be very exciting, but that means I'll actually have to decide if I'm going or not. The deadline for application is November 21st. I'm not sure when I'll know if I'm accepted, but I will definitely inform you all if I go. Or if I don't. Regardless, you will know if I will be staying in Michigan or heading to the beautiful Ireland.
          Let's see, what else is new with me? My birthday is in two weeks and two days. I know, exciting stuff. Personally, I'm hoping for a cake. With frosting and candles. And money to go to Ireland. is so hard to do things when all I can think about is Ireland. Of course, you all are thinking, just go! You obviously want to! Yes, yes I do want to. I just need to put a lot of thought into it and obsess about it for awhile. Anyway. Things new with me...I got 100% on a Stats test, which is a new feeling for me. I've never gotten 100% on a math test ever (excluding 8th grade and down). I've actually always felt rather stupid because all of my friends are freakishly smart. But now that I'm in college, I feel like a freaking genius. And I'm not sure how I feel about that.
          Okay...something else...I'm reading a new book. It's called Death Comes to Pemberley and so far it is dreadfully boring. But it has Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth, so I have to finish it. Also, Colonel Fitzwilliam is an awful character in this variation of Pride and Prejudice, so if you like him at all, don't read it. Who knows, maybe it'll get better. I'm only about halfway through, so I'll let you know if it gets any better. I really hope it does. In the meantime, here's a quote to keep you occupied.

"Words, in my humble opinion, are the most inexhaustible source of magic we have." Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling