Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bucket List

I actually took this picture! Sorry for the crappy quality.
          Hey guys, guess what!? I am super close to being able to cross an item off of my bucket list, which I am very excited about! Can you guess what it is? Probably not. No, I won't be getting my book published (as of right now, anyway). It still needs to go through a long editing process. Nope, we're looking at item number 4 on my bucket list, not number one.
(Would you like to see the first 10 items on my list? I'm going to share them anyway, so deal with it.)

Bucket List Items 1-10
  1. Publish a book
  2. Learn another language
  3. Travel to New Zealand--->Visit Hobbiton!
  4. Learn how to play cello
  5. Swim with dolphins (I know this is so cliché, but I still want to do it!)
  6. Find my significant other (He's probably in Hobbiton)
  7. Visit the set of Harry Potter
  8. Live in another state for any period of time
  9. Go to Ireland (and see all the things!!!)
  10. Watch all the Harry Potter movies in one day (same with Lord of the Rings+The Hobbit)
I'm sorry that this is a really short post, but I have to draw pictures. See ya!

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