Read: January 31-March 6, 2018
Published: September 26, 2006
Genre: Science Fiction

A father and his son walk through burned America. Nothing moves in the ravaged landscape save the ash on the wind. It is cold enough to crack stones, and when the snow falls it is gray. The sky is dark. Their destination is the coast, although they don't know what, if anything, awaits them there. They have nothing; just a pistol to defend themselves against the lawless bands that stalk the road, the clothes they are wearing, a cart of scavenged food—and each other.
Why did you read this book?
I thought this book was on one of my 'to-read' lists, but after searching all of them (so I could check it off) it apparently wasn't. Also, my roommate and I have decided to start our own book club and this was the first book on our list, per the recommendation of our neighbor.
What did you like about this book?
The first thing I'll mention is the style of the writing. It's unlike most books, with short paragraphs, short sentences, and very little dialogue. It was very choppy and I think it was written like that for a reason. The writing style seemed to reflect the state of living for the man and the boy. Nothing was easy or smooth and words, like food and water, were used sparingly. The writing and the world was harsh and unforgiving. McCarthy built a world that was easy for the reader to step into. First, he didn't give the two characters names, just referred to them as the man and the boy, and played one of humankind's biggest fears: to lose everything they have built and become powerless and irrelevant. This book almost made me cry, which as you know, I love those books.
What didn't you like about this book?
The book itself, though well-written, was actually really repetitive and kind of boring. I didn't actually enjoy this book at all. It was depressing as hell. There was no payoff to reading the book. After I finished it, I felt so empty. Not that good empty feeling when you finish a really good book, but the bad empty feeling where you feel like there is no hope for the world. After I finished it, I just had one thought: what was the point? Both for the story and for the book itself...what was the point of the story of the man and the boy's survival if it was all for nothing in the end? It was a well-written story about the inevitability of death and a world with no hope.
I really didn't like this book at all. I liked the writing style, but that was about it. I read books to escape from my own depressing mind, but this book must made it worse. I do not recommend.
"People were always getting ready for tomorrow. I didn't believe in that. Tomorrow wasn't getting ready for them. It didn't even know they were there." -The Road by Cormac McCarthy
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