Well, I'm back! And boy, do I have a lot to tell you! It's been a very busy few weeks (when was the last time I posted?) I have some good news and a bit of slightly bad news. I'll start with the bad and work up to the really good.
Slightly bad: I almost lost my forever alone status. I came very, very close to going on a date (a first!). At first, I was really excited and happy and downright giddy about it. But then reality slapped me pretty hard and I realized that I didn't actually have the feelings for the person, but rather the idea of having a person to be with. I was terribly stressed and anxious about all of it, because I didn't know how to tell him that. However, him being the great guy that he is, saw that it wasn't what either of us needed and ended it all for me. So that's the bad news. See, it's only slightly bad. And it's only bad because it forced me to look at myself and figure our what I want and need. (But isn't that good news? Yes and no. I'll tell you why not when I finish that writing challenge. Which I feel like I can do now. Well, no...not right now, not today. But in the near future.)

Good news part one: I was just in Punta Cana for six days. I didn't bring my phone on the trip and there was no WiFi (Well, you could buy some for $60 a day. No, thank you!). So I had six days of freedom from the outside world and let me tell you, it was great. Just me, the beach, and a book (and my family). It was a very cleansing week for me, considering how rough the few weeks before had been. (You know, with the whole slightly bad news thing, what I'll write about in my last writing challenge, and exams.) Let me tell you a bit about my trip. I discovered that I was not meant to be in a plane. Especially very early in the morning or very late at night (when it's dark out). Claustrophobia and acrophobia are a poor combination when you're above the clouds in a very crowded and cramped plane. Let's just say it was a very long 12 hour journey to get to Punta Cana. Getting there, however, was worth it. The water is so blue and the sky is so blue and the sun was so warm. I could have stayed there much longer than a week. I think I spent three days in a row just lounging on the beach, reading and napping, with occasional breaks to jump in the pool or the ocean. More often than not, I jumped in the pool because I also discovered that I'm a bit of a baby when it comes to the ocean. Or rather, I'm a spoiled Michigander that has the Great Lakes and they don't taste like salt. I could not stand the taste of the ocean. If there had been shells or less seaweed, I may have been tempted to go in it more. But as it was, the pool worked just swell for me. While I was there I had my first drink (it was alright, but I didn't like the aftertaste), took a picture with a monkey and a half naked man (not out of my own free will), and met a guy who has the unfortunate, yet uncanny, appearance of Justin Bieber (I asked...he's not Justin Bieber, but he is from Canada! There are a surprisingly large amount of Canadians in Punta Cana). I also met a woman who was British/Canadian (she moved to Canada) and she had been to Ireland several times. She told me a lot about the politics between the North and the South and about how beautiful it is there. She also told me that half of Giant's Causeway is in Scotland. Who knew? I didn't! She got to tell me all these cool things about her time in Ireland and you know what? I got to tell her that...
Just look at this beautiful country! And I get to go there! Guys, I'm going to IRELAND!!!!! I can't tell you how ridiculously excited I am that I was accepted. I found out on December 6th and I've been trying to sell scarves to raise money to go and I'm working two jobs and teaching piano along with that. So I've been very busy between making scarves, piano lessons, my job, and school (however we're on break now, which is nice). I'm just so excited that I actually have the opportunity to go to the one place that I am just dying to go to. And it's for Literature! I just can't believe I'm going. I am so blessed to have this opportunity.
Guys. I'm going to Ireland!
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." -Oscar Wilde (In case you didn't know, Oscar Wilde is one of the authors I'll be studying in Ireland :o)
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