Writing Challenge Day #27: Your Favorite Place to Eat
Oh boy. There are several places that I love to eat at. I really enjoy eating at the Mongolian Grill. I mean, I am a huge fan of stir fry and that is the place to go if you want a stir fry. Yumm...But. It's not my favorite. I also really enjoy getting frozen yogurt from Sugar Berry. Oh my gosh, I love Sugar Berry and I love frozen yogurt and I love their method of pricing (leave me alone, I like it, okay?) However, that is also not my favorite place to eat. Unfortunately for me, my favorite place to eat is no longer in business. The Oakwood Lounge, the only place to eat in my tiny town (technically a village), felt like home to me. For a while last year, I went there on a weekly basis. I became a regular at my favorite restaurant (which was pretty cool). I always got water and deep fried pickles. I haven't had a deep fried pickle since it closed at the beginning of May. It was only five months ago, but it feels like it's been ages. I really do miss it. I made some great memories in that restaurant, both with the people who want there with me and those who worked there. Every Thursday night, I would go to the Oakwood with my brother and we would each go to our teams for DJ Trivia (a trivia game). It was free to participate in and usually lasted about an hour and a half. Ugh. You just don't know how much I miss it. I don't think any other restaurant will ever measure up to my beloved Oakwood and I don't think I will ever stop missing it.
“‘Fear not!’ said a strange voice behind him. Frodo turned and saw Strider, and yet not Strider; for the weatherworn Ranger was no longer there. In the stern sat Aragorn son of Arathorn, proud and erect, guiding the boat with skillful strokes; his hood was cast back, and his dark hair was blowing in the wind, a light was in his eyes: a king returning from exile to his own land.” -The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkein
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