Writing Challenge Day 29: Five Weird Things That You Like
- Crunchy PB&J. I’m not sure exactly when I starting doing this. If I were to guess, it’d be somewhere in my early high school years. I had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day for lunch. Literally every day. As you can imagine, PB&J got a bit old. But we didn’t really have much else to pack for lunches, so I started sticking whatever chips or crackers I had in my lunch in my sandwiches. Sometimes it was delicious (Barbeque Chips and Wheat Thins were pretty darn good...not together, of course), and sometimes it was very bland and not much of an improvement (as was the case with Triscuit and oyster crackers). Oh! Cheez its were also a favorite as an added bonus in my sandwich.
- Re-reading Books. Okay, rereading books isn't that weird. But I reread them to the point of destruction. It’s okay to read them about four to five times. I, however, have read each of the Harry Potter books over ten times, easily. My hardcover copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is falling apart I’ve read it so many times. Two chunks of the pages are falling out (a small one right in the beginning and a large chunk in the beginning/middle) and my front cover is dangerously close to not being attached to the book anymore. It was with great pain that I had to shelf the book, no longer to be used for risk of destroying it completely. Lucky for me, I also have a paperback copy that I will read instead. My copy of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is also on the precarious path that the first book followed. If I’m not careful, this one will also soon be on the shelf. But what do you like about this, as many of you are probably asking. I love to reread books to the point where I can easily quote them in your everyday conversation.
*Note: This also happens with movies
- Eat the Fries First. Whenever I go to a fast food restaurant, I eat the fries first, no matter what. I don’t know why, but before I can take a bite out of my burger, my fries have to be gone. I don’t even really have an explanation for this one. Yes, it’s kind of weird, but I’m sure I’m not the only one that does it (right?).
- Crappy Disney Movies. (From Disney Channel, not our beloved Disney movies) I watch them with my sister all the time and we make fun of them and laugh at how stupid they are. But...but I secretly kind of love them. Yes, they are stupid and really bad. But I can’t get enough of the innocent love stories. There is no sexual pressure, just the awkwardness and adorableness of discovering you like someone and the amazement of discovering that they like you back. Sure, it might be a little immature, but I don’t care. You know, once this writing challenge is over (we only have one more day!) I may have to make a list of my favorite crappy Disney movies.
- Smiley Faces with Noses. Like so… :o) Isn’t it cute? They just look weird to me without noses. Also, without a nose, they become the smiley face version of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (a.k.a. Voldemort). We do not need tiny versions of You-Know-Who running rampant in the virtual world of texting. Pretty soon, all of our cell phones will have horcrux apps and we won’t be able to take him down, even if we had Harry’s unfailing bravery (and, let’s be honest, luck), Hermione’s brains, and Ron’s...well, Ron. Now, before you all go questioning my sanity, I promise I am not this obsessed (maybe just a little). This is not the thought process behind my nosed smiley faces. I just like them better with noses.
“Of course it’s happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it’s not real?” -Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling