and every time the car 'breaks down' and we stop to eat somewhere, usually somewhere I haven't been before. Today we 'broke down' at Cancun Grill, and while I'm not usually a huge fan of Mexican food, it was pretty darn good. I don't think it's a place I would go very often, but I could definitely could see myself going there again. Although, like most restaurants, they gave me way too much food. Oh well, at least it makes for good leftovers. And I have a picture of the chips and salsa we get before our meal! Anywho. On to the challenge!
Writing Challenge Day Twenty: The Meaning Behind Your Blog Name
Well...The person who made this blog is very different than the one I am now. At the time, you know, when I first made it, I was a silly, insipid person who was over dramatic and cried too easily. And I kind of gave my blog two names (I wasn't really sure what I was doing when I made it). So first, there is the eleganceofinspiration.blogspot.com tidbit. I remember wanting to have something about inspiration there and elegance of inspiration sounded cool and, well, elegant. I didn't really have meaning. But now, I really like it. It has definitely grown on me. There really is something elegant about finding inspiration in things. I try to find inspiration, as well as to inspire, on a daily basis. It's no secret that I love to write, and in order to be a writer, you need to find inspiration everywhere, especially in the little things that other people don't notice. And to me, there is a certain elegance to that.
Now, the second name, Make it Good, means pretty much the same thing to me now that it did when I made the blog. It basically means that you can take any situation and make it good. You just need to look at it right. The biggest difference with this title is that, when I made it, it was just an Idea with a capital I. Something that I wanted to do, but didn't think I ever would. Now it's actually attainable. I've gotten quite a bit better at putting a positive spin on things. I'm glad I have, too. I rather like the person I am now.
"It's amazing that a man who is dead can talk to people through these pages. As long as this book survives, his ideas live." -Eragon by Christopher Paolini
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