Day 9: A Book You Wish More People Would Read

I discovered this book while watching The Today Show a few years ago. It was receiving pretty high praise and Samantha Shannon was being hailed 'the next J.K. Rowling'. Obviously, there is no comparison. J.K. Rowling published seven novels for children and young adults that became a worldwide phenomenon. That's not to say Shannon isn't an extraordinary writer, because she is. It's just that the books, the authors, the circumstances...they're all different. Not really a good comparison. Also, Shannon's books are not getting the attention they deserve. In my opinion, they should be a worldwide phenomenon. Unfortunately, they're not. So go! All of you! Read The Bone Season and then The Mime Order and then wait impatiently for the next book to come out with the rest of us.
"Perhaps I feel safest when I think of nothing." -The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon