Saturday, April 25, 2015
Book Challenge Day 3
Day 3: Spring Time
For my Spring Time book, I honestly didn't know what to pick. Should it be a book that takes place during spring? Or should it be one that I happened to read in spring? Maybe find a book with spring in the title...? As you can tell, I was having a hard time picking a book, which is why I've taken so long to put up another post. But then something happened today, and I happen to find this perfect, even if it is a bit of a stretch. I was at a garage sale at my grandpa's house (where I was selling some of my belongings) and I was the only one there and it was boring. I picked up Juliet by Anne Fortier, one of my old books that I never read, but always meant to, and started to read it. I got to page ten and this photo strip fell out. It was from my junior year prom and it took me back to that spring and how fun it was. It was a good memory. So, even though I've never actually read this book, I think I'm still allowed to use it for the book challenge.
“By the time we left college, I had become my own image: a dandelion in the flower bed of society. Kinda cute, but still a weed.” -Juliet by Anne Fortier
anne fortier,
book challenge,
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Book Challenge, Day Two
Day 2: Newest Purchase
"The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed." -Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Book Challenge
Hello, hello. Yes, I know I haven't really had anything exciting for you lately. Never fear, I have found another challenge! This one is a book photo challenge, but I will talk about the book(s) in the photo and why I chose said book(s). Sound good? Of course it does!
How can I possibly be reading so many books, you ask? Well, I very much like to read and I happen to be taking classes that require a lot of reading. Starting from the bottom, I've got a textbook (Classics of Children's Literature, 6th Edition). It was quite a wide variety of fairy tales, poems, and novels in it. Currently, I'm reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer out of it. Next is my sister's copy of The Chronicles of Narnia. I am just starting The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Next is Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, which I am unfortunately still on the first chapter. I fill finish it, Franco Fan! And of course, Tolkien is on the list. I've been slowly chugging away at The Return of the King. That's one that I read when I have the spare time. I could be doing that now, you know! (Actually, I should be working on my presentation right now...) Next is Thomas C. Foster's How to Read Novel's Like a Professor. I am using this as a source for my aforementioned presentation. As much as I hate to admit it, I kind of am enjoying the book. And last, but certainly not least, is Over Nine Waves. I'm reading this for my Literary Ireland class and it is absolutely fascinating! I love reading through all the myth cycles (Mythological, Ulster, and Finn) as well as the Saint's stories (I've always loved St. Patrick :o) That's all for today...and if you're lucky, you may have something tomorrow!
Day 1: Currently Reading
"For three days his enemies watched Cuchulainn. The ravens of battle, the Morrigu and Badb, hovered around his head and at last the hero light faltered, flickered and went out." -Over Nine Waves by Marie Heaney
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